They are my favorites because they can be prepared in advance so all my attention can be on the chops when I am cooking them. I have two very favorite dishes I like to prepare when I serve lamb chops. Keeping Meals Hot When Served What To Serve With Cast Iron Lamb Chops I pop them in the oven to get hot and when the chops are ready to serve, I transfer them the the hot fajita pans to keep the meal good and hot when serving. I have since, purchased cast iron fajita pans. This gives the natural juices inside of the meat to mingle with the meat and remain there instead of spill out the moment a knife cuts into them.

Last, allow the cooked lamb chops to rest, room temperature, for a good 5-minutes before serving. Secondly, get a heavy cast iron pan really hot on top of the stop, sear the meat and then pop it into a really hot oven for under 15-minutes.

The judges said it was absolutely ‘restaurant quality’ cooking and plating! Thank you Omar for teaching your mama how to cook lamb chops! How To Make Perfect Cast Iron Lamb Chops At Homeįirst, lamb needs to sit out room temperature with a good rub of coarse and fresh herbs. The secret? One dang hot cast iron pan on top the stove to sear the meat, and then into the oven at 450, in the same cast iron pan to finish the meat in 15-minutes and rest it for 10-minutes before serving. Omar Daumit Cooks Lamb Chops For His Mama An entire, first-class Mediterranean lamb chop dinner in under 60-minutes.įeatured in The Great American Recipe Cookbook, will be MY RECIPE!! So Excited. My Lamb Chops On PBSĮvery year for my birthday, my son always makes his mama the best dang lamb chops to be had anywhere! While cooking on The Great American Recipe program with PBS, Episode 5 Round 1, I was asked to prepare the most memorable meal I have had. While he cooks everything from tweezer plated, froufrou first class food, to down-home barbecue, his preparation of any and all meats is always perfection. Therefore, what is the best pan for the transference of heat to cook meat indoors made of? Exactly! Cast iron. What is the best grill grate made of, for the transference of heat? Exactly! Cast iron. What is your favorite chop? Mine will always be lamb chops! When a beautiful rack of lamb chops have been ‘Frenched’, I smell a party in the making! Frenching Lamb Chopsįrenching lamb chops is the ‘restaurant quality’ way to present chops on a plate and is simply a method of removing the layer of muscle and fat from the extended rib bone. Its history dates way back to ancient Egypt, which is probably why my mom often cooked with it. Thyme, for me, is this tiny little leaf that is miserable to strip from its sprig but imparts so much flavor. I’d swear it’s why my dad married my mom, who could cook her tahootie off! Garlic was in everything! Where would the world of cooking be without garlic? Exactly! My paternal grandmother was Swedish, having migrated to Wisconsin as a kid. It kisses the fat with rosemary oil without changing the beautiful flavor of the meat. Rosemary has an exotic and aromatic scent and flavor, but somehow when meat is marinaded in it, it doesn’t dominate. Always A Pot Of Thyme Growing Best Lamb Chop Spices

Lathered across the chops, that will sit out room temperature for an hour before I cook them, is ‘my meat trinity’ rosemary, garlic and thyme, then drizzled with a splash of olive oil. When lamb chops are being served in my home, you will always find, what I call, the ‘trinity’ of meat marinade happening. Married an ole British guy a few years ago and told him, “Don’t ever expect mint jelly on any piece of lamb you will eat in our house”! We both laughed and he’s never asked for it.

Call me partial, but the Mediterranean style approach to seasoning and cooking lamb chops is simply the best! Yes, my mama was Syrian and so I speak from both love and experience. Cast Iron Lamb Chops Mediterranean Lamb Chops Marinade Cast Iron Lamb Chops are seared on high heat with rosemary, thyme and garlic and make for a restaurant quality lamb chop in under 30-minutes.